Defining Interface Files

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Creating a *.pyi Python Interface file is another way to describe the contents of a module that Wing has trouble analyzing. This file is simply a Python skeleton with the appropriate structure, call signature, and return values to match the functions, attributes, classes, and methods defined in a module.

Wing reads the *.pyi and merges its contents with any information it obtained through direct inspection of the module. .pyi files can use PEP 484 (Python 3.5+) and PEP 526 (Python 3.6+) type annotations, regardless of whether Python 2 or Python 3 is being used.

Wing also supports reading interface files named *.pi but these cannot use PEP 484 or PEP 526 type annotations. The .pi extension was used in previous versions of Wing that predated the PEPs. It is still supported but should not be used for newly created interface files.

In somes cases, as for Python bindings for GUI and other toolkits, *.pyi or *.pyi files can be auto-generated from interface description files. The code that Wing uses to automatically generate *.pi files from extension modules is in src/wingutils/ in your Wing installation, and another example that is used to generate interface information for PyGTK is in src/wingutils/

Naming and Placing *.pyi Files

Wing expects the *.pyi file name to match the name of the module. For example, if the name referenced by import is mymodule then Wing looks for mymodule.pyi.

The most common place to put the *.pyi file is in the same directory as the *.pyd, *.so, or *.py module it is describing. *.pyi files that describe entire packages (directories containing should be placed in the package directory's parent directory.

If Wing cannot find the *.pyi file in the same directory as the module, it proceeds to search as follows, choosing the first matching *.pyi file:

  • In the path set with the Source Analysis > Advanced > Interface File Path preference.
  • In the resources/builtin-pi-files in the Wing installation. This is used to ship type overrides for Python's builtin types and standard library.
  • In resources/package-pi-files, which is used to ship some *.pyi files for commonly used third party packages.

For all of these, Wing inspects the path directory for a matching *.pyi file and treats any sub-directories as packages.

In cases where Wing cannot find a *.pyi at all for a C/C++ extension module, it will still attempt to load the extension module by name, in a separate process space, so that it can introspect its contents. The results of this operation are stored in pi-cache within the Cache Directory shown in Wing's About box. This file is regenerated only if the *.pyd or *.so for the loaded extension module changes.

Merging *.pyi Name Spaces

When Wing finds a *.pyi file, it merges the contents of the *.pyi file with any information found by analyzing or introspecting the module itself. The contents of the *.pyi file take precedence when symbols are defined in both places.

Creating *.pyi Variants by Python Version

In rare cases, you may need to create variants of your *.pyi files according to Python version. An example of this is in resources/builtin-pi-files, the directory used to ship type overrides for Python's builtin types and standard library.

Wing always looks first at the top level of an interface path directory for a matching *.pyi file. If this fails then Wing tries looking in a sub-directory #.# named according to the major and minor version of Python being used with your source base, and subsequently in each lower major/minor version back to 2.0.

For example, if c:\share\pi\pi-files is on the interfaces path and Python 2.7 is being used, Wing will check first in c:\share\pi\pi-files, then in c:\share\pi\pi-files\2.7. then in c:\share\pi\pi-files\2.6, and so forth.